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Our private Facebook group is where all the magic happens. Not a fan of the word magic? Well pick any word that represents a transformation both seen an unseen. The Baseline Community has helped thousands of individuals do things they never thought possible. Losing 100+ pounds, doing the first ever triathlon, CrossFit competition, or simply moving without pain. Our team of experts is here to help. Join the community today and get all the updates and new programs as well as the monthly events first hand.

Join Our Community

Support, Encouragement, Education and FUN!

The Baseline Community is a group of individuals looking to better themselves in some way. Whether it be to run their first 5k, 10k, or half marathon, do a triathlon, a CrossFit competition or just feel better in your own skin. Our team is here to help. We have YEARS of expertise and a team who cares deeply. Become part of the community today. 

Ready to get Individualized Training and Nutrition help. Start with the Baseline Assessment Today.