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Baseline Adventure Challenge 2023

Event 1: Step Challenge

February 1st to February 28th

Accumulate as many steps as you can in 1 month

You have to email us a screen shot of your weekly steps every week

  • Go to Apple health or Samsung health and screen shot your weekly steps

You must upload your steps to the leaderboard weekly so everyone can see where they are on the leaderboard

1st place gets as many points as there are participants and last place gets 1 point

Winner of challenge gets a $100 gift card of their choice

Event 2: Lifting Challenge

March 1st - April 29th

On April 29th we will test at Empowered Strength Training (Anytime in April to video submit or lift in front of Scott or Matt)

The weight you will lift is what you weigh on testing day

Squat Bodyweight for Max Reps (half bodyweight for women)

Bench Bodyweight for Max Reps (half bodyweight for women)

Deadlift Bodyweight for Max Reps (half bodyweight for women)

1 point per rep

March 1st to April 28th work with Scott and Matt to help boost your numbers

Squat must be below parallel

As many as you can get until you rerack the weight or until spotter touches the bar

Bench must touch your chest and extend arms all the way at the top

As many as you can get until you rerack the weight or until spotter touches the bar

Deadlift must stand all the way up and touch the ground on each rep

As many as you can get until you take your hands off the bar

No gear allowed except belt and squat shoes

Winner of challenge gets a $100 gift card of their choice

EVENT 3: Running Event

May 1st to June 30th

Get as many 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Marathons as you can in 2 months

You can walk or run

5k (3 miles) = 1 point

10k (6 miles) = 4 points

Half Marathon (13 miles) = 10 points

Marathon (26 miles) = 30 points

Must track it and post it on Strava

Winner of challenge gets a $100 gift card of their choice


July 1st - August 31st

How many of the following can you try in 60 days

1 point for each new experience.

To get an actual point for the event you must participate and show that you played for 45 minutes. One point only so 2x of the same event does not yield 2 points:

Pickle ball

Disc golf


Mountain biking

Road biking

Roller blading or roller skating

Paint BALL

Rock climbing




Paddle board






Spike ball



Stand Up Paddle Board

If a tie we will draw a winner randomly

Winner of challenge gets a $100 gift card of their choice


September 1st – October 31st

Chip away at your victory for total time

1 mile run

90 walking lunges

80 sit ups

70 step ups

1 mile run

60 Hollow rocks

50 air squats

40 Russian twist per side

1 mile run

20 points if you complete and additional 5 point for each time after up to 5 completions

Winner of challenge gets a $100 gift card of their choice


November Finale Turkey Trot provide 2 additional partner workouts TURKEY TIME

Perform this workout In teams of 2 complete the following as fast as possible at a local track:

Partner 1 runs 400 m

Partner 2 executes 25 air squats and 25 lunges

Alternate as partner 1 finishes 400m run until each partner has completed 4 400m runs, 100 air squats and 100 lunges

Score is total time to complete all the work. Tie break will be fastest 400m time for pair

20 points if you complete and additional 5 point for each time after up to 5 completions

December 9th Appreciation party